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Utah High School Football

Officials Association 


Welcome to the Utah High School Football Association

So you are wondering if you should become a football official.  If you love working on a team and love the game of football, you are in the right place.  


The following items will walk you through the first steps in getting started.


1.   Register with the Utah High School Activities Association it opens on July 1 each year. At  Click on the Registration tab.  

a.   A rulebook and other info will be sent by mail to you.

b.   Contact a local association. 

Davis/Weber/Cache county -Alan Marietti (

Salt Lake County -Brian Brand (

Utah County -Ken Carlson (

Other areas can be found here

c.   Complete the rules exam (open book) on the arbiter site with 80% or better.

d.   Attend a rules clinic every year.  The football rules clinic is held on the first Saturday of August.  Other options may be available, (check with your local assoc.)

e.   Get the required uniform. Check with your association for the requirements in your area.


2.   Attend your local association meetings as often as you can.  They are typically held twice a month during the season. This is where you’ll receive hands on training and other invaluable insight about football officiating. Sites and times are available on our website.


3.   Get involved and work as much as you can.   

a.   Meet the local assignor in person.

b.   Work the little league circuit.  Although not a requirement, it gets you working and improving.

c.   Work scrimmages as often as you can.  They may not pay you but always a great opportunity to work on your game.

d. Attend varsity games as a foul recorder.  Your association can assign you to a local game in your area.  You can attend the crew’s pregame and be on the sidelines observing varsity level officials.  This is a paid assignment.

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