Utah High School Football
Officials Association
Joint Board
Dave Storey
Joint Board President-Elect
Started officiating in 2002. My best friends and some of my greatest memories have been made & continue to be made on the football field. Dave@hhdu.com
Ogden Assoc
Alan Maritetti
Ogden President
I began officiating high school football in 2007. The atmosphere and excitement of Friday night lights are beyond words and have no comparison. The friendships and lessons I have gained go beyond the playing field and have helped make me the person I am today. If I can help you, please reach out to 801-695-6814 alan.marietti@utah.edu
Austin Anderson
Ogden President-Elect
I began officiating high school football in 2016, and I wish I would have started sooner. The feelings you get working on Friday night are ones you must experience. There is no better seat in the house than on the field with incredible athletes, coaches, and other officials. Don’t wait any longer to join the family! You won't regret it!
Mike Fuhriman
Ogden Past-President
I began officiating football in 2009 for the love of the game. The challenges, the brotherhood & the experiences have been fantastic. mlfurm@comcast.net
Matt Schofield
The most common regret I hear from officials is, they wish they had started officiating sooner. It's really a lot of fun to be out there with your friends.
Salt Lake Assoc
Brian Brand
Salt Lake President
I'm about to start my 20th season officiating football. I was lucky enough to have a fellow basketball official recruit me over. The atmosphere of Friday night under the lights can't be matched & I've made some of my closest friends from football. If I can help you in any way, please reach out.
Paul Binns
Salt Lake Board Member
Official for 8 years, There isn’t much of a better place than on the field Friday night with life long friends.
Utah County Assoc
Rhett Ogden
Provo Board Member
Football officiating is great. I started in 2005, beginning my 18th season soon! What I love is still being an active part of the game since they don't let me play anymore. I also deeply value all the many friends I have made over the years, some of them lifelong friends. It truly is a brotherhood. Officiating may not be for everyone, but I'm glad I am one of the lucky ones.